First post of 2012
Well the holidays are over and the 1st week of 2012 is over. We have all had time to make new year resolutions and break them. Just kidding. It is traditional to make resolutions on new years; but lifestyle choices can be made every day. If you make a resolution and backslide that is okay. You need to forgive yourself and keep on trying. It is important to realize that it more important to keep trying than to give up. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times trying to create the light-bulb before he accomplished it. When asked why he failed so many times he told people that he did not fail thousands of times but successfully found ways not to make light-bulbs. That may be humorous but the important thing is that the light bulb was created. If he had not keep trying we would be sitting in the dark not knowing who Thomas Edison was. It is January. Make lifestyle choices set goals and keep at it. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!! Let me know what some of your goals are for 2012.
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