What is your favorite veggie??

My favorite is Brussels sprouts. I love them steamed or simmered in light chicken broth. They are very nutritious but low in calories or fat.  Let us hear what your favorite vegetable  is and how you cook it? What is the weirdest fruit or vegetable you have ever eaten? Is there a vegetable you just hate? Mine is okra especially if it is boiled; to me it is like sucking slimy snot down. Sorry for that mental image!! Is there a vegetable you hated as a kid but just love now? Mine is spinach, I now eat in salads instead of lettuce. I hope this gets you to craving a big bowl of your favorite vegetable and remember if you don't fry em or cover in high calorie dressing they are a healthy aid to weight loss.


  1. I guess I eat more tomato, combined direct and indirectly, then any other veggie well maybe indirectly corn wins out. When choosing a veggie I would have to say .... with most type foods I choose corn.

  2. Good point. You do not have to choose just one veggie and they are often better when combined with other veggies. I like onions and tomatoes with a lot of other veggies.


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