
Showing posts from January, 2012

Drink up

I have been experimenting on fluid intake. It started with the cold weather. I am normally a iced tea drinker but my wife likes hot teas. Well I have been trying to drink a big glass of water about 15-30 minutes before meals to help fill me up and lower hunger threshold so I eat less. It works pretty well but I drank an hot apple cinnamon herbal tea one day before a meal and It works even better. There is a long history of the health benefits of herbal tea and I found that drinking it before meals satisfies taste cravings. Give it a try and if you are new to herbal teas most grocery stores have many varieties.

Season Blahs

Well I have found out something amazing to me. I have been kind of lethargic over the winter and even though I am watching my food intake by eating healthier; I still am not losing much weight. I was a little disheartened until I  found out it is natural for most of us. It goes way back to olden times when our ancestors lay about the caves in an almost hibernation like state. Scientist have theorized that due to the shorter days and lower amounts of Vitamin D from exposure to sun during winter our body naturally slows metabolism to insure survival during this period of less food. The problem is that in modern times there is not generally food shortage. Now it is suggested that Vitamin D supplements may help keep our metabolism going. For me I think I am just gonna hibernate until spring.  How about you do you feel blah during winter and if so what do you do to fight the winter blahs??

Bean Burger Recipes

I was at a national burger chain the other day and noticed that they have a limited selection of turkey burgers. I decided to check them out and was amazed to find out that their standard teriyaki burger (it has beef patty, cheese, pineapple, lettuce, tomato, and teriyaki sauce) was a whopping 875 calories. The same teriyaki burger in turkey was 375 calories; it was dressed the same just turkey patty instead of beef.     It got me to thinking and although I have been a "meat and potato man" my whole life I am working on changing that. I started looking into vegan and vegetarian cookbooks and even though I find it interesting it was a little off putting. Instead of promoting the health aspect of vegetarian diet the books were more rah rah animal rights and were extreme.     I believe that extreme restrictive diets are one of the major problems with weight loss. I am trying a more moderate approach; for instance my family likes Hamburger Helper meals every once and a...

First post of 2012

Well the holidays are over and the 1st week of 2012 is over. We have all had time to make new year resolutions and break them. Just kidding. It is traditional to make resolutions on new years; but lifestyle choices can be made every day. If you make a resolution and backslide that is okay. You need to forgive yourself and keep on trying. It is important to realize that it more important to keep trying than to give up. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times trying to create the light-bulb before he accomplished it. When asked why he failed so many times he told people that he did not fail thousands of times but successfully found ways not to make light-bulbs. That may be humorous but the important thing is that the light bulb was created. If he had not keep trying we would be sitting in the dark not knowing who Thomas Edison was. It is January. Make lifestyle choices set goals and keep at it. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!  Let me know what some of your goals are for...